Careers Support

There are lots of sources of support to help young people choosing a career path. Schools or colleges should be able to provide advice. There is also lots of support online - see links below.
There is also support from the Post 16 team in Barnet and for children in care, the Virtual School caseworker.
National Careers Service
You can find lots of job profiles here on the National Careers Service website.
Looking for an apprenticeship?
Have a look at this website
and view Rate My Apprenticeship or visit Get In Go Far to learn more.
Exam helpline
Contact the National Careers Service Exam Results Helpline for free advice if you’ve received exams results that were not as good as you were expecting.
Youth Employment has lots of useful career guides and free online course.
The Job Crowd
The Job Crowd is a graduate and apprentice employer ranking system based on employee feedback!