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PEP Advice - Documents and FAQs

There are common questions about PEPs and Pupil Premium Plus - find the answers below and links to helpful documents.


Does the child have to be present throughout the PEP meeting?

The child should be involved in all decisions made about them, but it may not always be practical or desirable that they are present for the whole of the meeting. Schools should arrange for the pupil to have a discussion with an adult a few days before a PEP so that their views are heard at the meeting.


What if the designated teacher changes?

The designated teacher informs the social worker and the Virtual School Caseworker.


Where can I find out more about best uses of the Pupil Premium Plus?

The Education Endowment Fund has published a very useful summary of the interventions that work most effectively to raise standards. This can be found at:

This report suggests that one to one tuition is high cost for medium impact. In fact, Department for Education research indicates that one to one tuition for children in care can be very effective is raising their standards of achievement.


Does the local authority provide laptops for looked after children?

The Virtual School provides laptops for children with priority given to children in Years 6 and above.


Can Pupil Premium Plus be used for school trips?

Carers receive payments for activities such as school trips. If there are any concerns or queries, please contact the social worker or Virtual School for advice.


How are schools held to account for the use of the Pupil Premium Plus?

Ofsted will ask how the Pupil Premium Plus has been used and may well wish to read PEP forms. School governors also ought to ask about the progress of children in care and should receive a report at least once a year from the designated teacher.

Useful Documents 

This is Barnet's Virtual School's PEP guidance document

Useful guidance for Post 16 settings

Please click here to access Welfare Calls user guide.

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