Part-time Timetables Information
All children of statutory school age are entitled to full time education. In very exceptional circumstances there may be a need for a temporary part-time timetable to meet individual needs e.g. a medical condition. However for children with a social worker serious consideration needs to be given to the fact the child may be safer at school than at home.
A part-time timetable must:
- only be in place for the shortest time necessary
- have a timetable for when the young person is expected to attend full time
- have formal arrangements to review it
There is more information available on Barnet's local offer page including FAQ about part-time timetables and a form for schools to complete.
Schools should ensure that the social worker(and Virtual School if the child is in care) are informed of plans to put a child on a part-time timetable and are involved in the meetings about it.