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PEP Guidance -

Find some key pointers for completing a Personal Education Plan

Completing a PEP

What is a PEP?

The Personal Education Plan (PEP) is the statutory tool to ensure that everyone is actively prioritising the education of the child or young person, carefully tracking their progress and supporting them to achieve well and to be aspirational.


All children in care must have a Personal Education Plan which forms part of their overall care plan. The first PEP must be completed within 10 days of a child coming into care, even if they do not have a school place, and after that they should take place termly.


We use Welfare Call for our PEPs. When a child becomes looked after, you will be allocated a login so you can complete your parts. If you lose your login, please just contact Welfare Call. On Welfare Call there are three different PEPs - one for early years, one for statutory age children and one for Post 16. 


The Role of the Designated Teacher (D.T.)

The social worker and D.T. arrange a date and inform the Virtual School and anyone else who needs to attend, of the date. The date is recorded on the young person’s ePEP. If it is a review meeting, this can be done at the previous meeting.  The meeting can be in person or over TEAMS. Please encourage the young person to attend the PEP meeting.


Top Tips

  • The social worker and D.T. MUST attend the PEP meeting - it cannot go ahead without the social worker being there. 

  • Pupil voice should be completed before the meeting or during the meeting. This should inform any decisions that are made. If a young person cannot or will not give their views, please ensure you record this on the PEP.

  • The About Me section is completed by  the social worker but all other sections should be completed by the D.T.

  • It can be useful to collate some information before the meeting and populate these parts of the PEP e.g. attendance and achievement information

  • During the meeting the Designated Teacher should complete the meeting notes, including the social worker and carer's views.

  • Everyone should contribute to setting targets for the young person and thinking what strategies may support them

  • If the young person's attendance is below 95% (without an exceptional reason), please ensure this is a target on the PEP.

  • Please include a minimum of 3  targets, these can be related to  academic achievement, mental health & wellbeing, attendance, transitions, social skills or extra-curricular opportunities. Targets should always be aspirational, challenging and SMART. For ideas on SMART targets and provision by curriculum area, please click here.

  • Please remember for statutory age children, the Virtual School holds Pupil Premium Plus funding. Please think imaginatively about what might support the child's educational achievement. There is more information on what we fund on this page.

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